What has I4C been reading over the past few months?
Winter has arrived and there is no better time to cozy up and read something interesting. In this series, the I4C consortium members share with you their best discoveries. Discover them below and we hope you find some inspiration!

Catherine Lourdes Dy, EU Senior Advisor at NORCE, has recently enjoyed the “Science for Climate Action publication” released by the European Commission’s DG Research. Catherine supports the Impetus4Change project management team in situations where complex issues arise – scientific, legal, financial, ethical or other – or assists in maximising communication, dissemination and impact and ensuring that our project and project results are known. Her recommended reading highlights the contribution of European research to the IPCC Working Group I on the Physical Sciences. It underlines the fact that the EU is one of the largest funders of the science behind the IPCC reports – and continues to be one of the largest funders of evidence-informed policies. Working in EU projects, seeing cutting-edge research ‘put into action’ gives her great joy. Although I4C has just started, Catherine is excited to see what can be accomplished during the project.

Dragana Bojovic is an environmental social scientist and a senior researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s Earth Science Department, where she leads the Knowledge Integration Team. Recently she read two popular science books: “Angry Weather” and “The Primacy of Doubt: from Quantum Physics to Climate Change”. Dragana’s favourite aspect of her work is talking and engaging with people such as when she conducts focus groups with farmers or interviews policy makers in the pursuit of co-production of climate services. She prepares for these interactions by learning about the traditions and values of the participants. What better way to immerse oneself in new cultures than by reading books? “Angry Weather” introduces a new way of doing climate science, in a more timely and engaging manner. The author, Friederike Otto, presents a new generation of climate scientists and, with her Weather attribution team, has done a tremendous job in raising awareness and understanding of the link between extreme local weather and climate change. “The Primacy of Doubt: from Quantum Physics to Climate Change” by another prominent figure in climate science, Tim Palmer, explains the role of chaos theory in various scientific disciplines, from ecology to climate science.

Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, a senior researcher at the Center for Modelling Social Systems (CMSS) at NORCE, Norway, has recently read the article “Knowledge, Networks, and Knowledge Networks: A Review and Research Agenda”. Ivan’s role in I4C is to co-lead Work Package 1, focusing on Knowledge Networks (KN) for societal transformation. His recommended article extensively explores the changing landscape of knowledge networks at various levels and fields, emphasising the central role of social relations in the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge. This in-depth reading is relevant to the objectives of Work Package 1, as it delves into the intricate dynamics of knowledge networks – crucial for managing climate information and facilitating societal transformation in the context of climate change adaptation and resilience building in Europe.