
The municipality of Bergen is home to over 285,000 inhabitants. It is a high-latitude coastal region characterized by diverse features of the land (mountains, lead-sea contrasts, and narrow fjords). It has an oceanic climate rhythmed by warm winters and chilly summers. It is often in the trajectory of extratropic cyclones and orographic precipitations (e.g. snow, hail, rainfall).

Bergen faces systemic challenges in addressing flooding. In the past, floods recurringly negatively impacted Bergen’s infrastructure, drainage system, and urban development.

I4C will study the linkage between hydrological patterns and the frequency and magnitude of floods to better understand high-impact events and their implications for the municipality. The historical damages will be co-assessed with the help of local stakeholders. The Weather Research and Forecasting Model Hydrological modelling system (WRF-Hydro) will be used to create simulations of hydrological events in the city. Following this process, data from the CPRM will further be processed for the Bergen case study to obtain tailor-made city-scale data. This impact modelling will lay the groundwork for a hydrological risk-and vulnerability assessment that will be co-developed for urban planning and adaptation decisions. I4C will ensure the integration of quality climate information into existing adaptation plans and risk assessments.